How To Make The Most Of Laser Hair Removals?
Hair grows in three stages, and in order for the laser to effectively destroy the root, the hair must be in the growing stage. That is why several procedures are needed, spaced apart from each other, to cover all hairs that grow in a certain place. For active follicles, the more treatments you do, the more rare the regrowth will be and the weaker the remaining hairs will be. as treatment progresses and hair gets thinner, a different type of laser may be used! What’s The Outcome Like? After the treatment is completed, most patients will not see the hair on the treated skin for months or even years. However, for those who wish to completely remove hair and obtain long-lasting results, we recommend at least 6 treatments. 360 Degree Clinic has the most affordable pricing for laser hair removal in Surbiton ! After the first treatment, your hair will be reduced by 10-25%. It is usually necessary to repeat the treatment because hair growth and shedding occur naturally during the cycle, and la...