Types of laser hair removal treatment

Laser hair removal is famous nowadays to remove hair for the long term. As technologies change, types of laser hair removal treatment also change. Which type of laser hair removal treatment depends on your skin tone and what your hair is like. These points are important to keep in mind before choosing the one which would be most effective for you. 

There are five types of laser hair removal treatment

Alexandrite treatment

This treatment is best for people with light skin tone and hurts less than any other treatment. This laser hair removal treatment takes more sessions as this treatment wavelength is shorter. 

Diode laser hair treatment

This treatment has a longer wavelength for deeper penetration of the skin and this treatment gives results to people with medium-dark skin tones. This is a very versatile method and requires less session as compared with any other treatment. The number of sessions mainly depends on the individual's configuration. 

Ruby treatment

This is the first hair removal treatment that was ever developed. This method is good for lighter, fairer hair and light skin. There can be side effects from this treatment such as swelling and soreness, but that is not long-lasting. Using cold compress and moisturizing will remove the discomfort and will make the effects go away faster. 

Nd and LP Nd: YAG treatments

It works best for thicker and courser hair. It is also best suited for people who have dark skin tone. It is less effective for people with lighter skin and finer hair. This treatment has the longest wavelength which means they penetrate deeper. 

Intense pulsed light treatment

As the name suggests, this light is used to damage the hair follicle in a similar way other treatment does. It is customizable to the individuals. In this treatment wavelength and power level is being adjusted to meet individuals need based on skin tone and type of hair. 


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